Workshops for mental health professionals and support workers

Offering Mental Health Support to Victims/Survivors of Human Trafficking: (The workshops will be available at the FCJ Refugee Centre, or we can come to your organization if there is interest.)
For mental health professionals and support workers.
Join us to engage in an in-depth dialogue about multifaceted mental health support for survivors of human trafficking.
You can book a training at your location or either you can join us any of the following dates:
(Please confirm the day you will be able to attend)

Dates:      June 25, July 10, July 17, and July 23
Time:        From 2:00 to 4:00 pm
Place:      208 Oakwood Ave. ON. M6E 2V4   

√Access to crucial training material
√Access to specialized information on mental health models
√Tools to provide better services to people who have been trafficked

For more information please contact:

Tanya Aberman or Carolina Teves
Phone:  416-469 -9754

Offering Mental Health Support to Victims June and July
Offering Mental Health Support to Victims June and July

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