Info sessions Calendar/ Sesiones informativas calendario

Calendar of Informative sessions/ Calendario de sessiones informativas

The information provided through our webinars is also available in our Podcast:Borderless Voices   

Upcoming Virtual Info Session/Webinar

On June 24 our webinar will be in Portuguese

The topic is The Humanitarian and Compassionate application in Portuguese.

Aplicação humanitária e compassiva

Você está convidado a participar de nossa sessão informativa



on June 25 at 10:30 am

The impact of the COVID-19 in the immigration system: measures in the refugee process and refugee hearings.For registration:




Si te perdiste algun webinar puedes escucharlo en nuestra seccion de podcast BORDERLESS VOICES:





Si necesitan apoyo para poder registrarse pueden bajar este documento que  describe paso a paso como registrarse:

Guia Como Registrarse en la Sesion Informativa Virtual FCJ









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