Bridging Program for Students With Precarious Immigration Status

The FCJ Refugee Centre has been partnering with the Pro Bono Students Osgoode Chapter since 2011. Since September 2018, a group of students from the CARL U of T Chapter joined our efforts to support us as well. For this coming year, in September 2020 the Pro Bono U of T Chapter will be part of our program.

The Uprooted Peoples Protection Program provides information for refugee claimants and non-status people, including conducting research on country conditions and other immigration and refugee issues, assistance with filling out legal forms, conducting in-person sessions for people looking for immigration information.

Students focus their work in assisting clients to complete their Humanitarian and Compassionate Considerations applications for Permanent Residence. Another unique aspect of this program is the provision of information specifically to people who have had their refugee claim denied, but are unable to return to their country.

This comprehensive team works to support them in any and all ways possible with their refugee appeal.



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