Employment Opportunity: Youth Worker

Employment Opportunity - Youth WorkerApplication deadline: Jan 20th, 2023
Hours: 37.5 hours weekly
Hourly rate: $23.10/hr
Start date: January, 2023

The Youth Worker will support in the FCJ Youth Network, an inclusive space for newcomer youth regardless of immigration status, to come together and support each other, get involved in the community, participate in a variety of activities and workshops, and engage in self-advocacy and activism; and the Access To Education Programming that works on the frontline, in advocacy at the elementary through post-secondary level of formal education and the alternatives to formal education.


  • Facilitate and develop youth-focused events, including recreational activities, socials, workshops, projects and weekly meetings.
  • Provide individualized supportand case management, including but not limited to: Legal Aid, Ontario Works, Immigration Applications, and referral processes to other services (in-house or externally).
  • Lead and be the main support person for the scheduling and management of the Home Is Here Podcast.
  • Support with school enrollments at elementary and secondary level, predominantly within the Toronto School Boards.
  • Conduct community outreach to partner organizations, youth service providers, schools, shelters and otherspaces which youth are present.
  • Contribute to creating awareness and building capacity through participating in meetings,webinars,or trainings for stake holder organizationsand partners, following FCJ’s emphasis on equity and inclusion of precarious migrant youth at the organizational level.
  • Support Youth & Access To Education Coordinator with pathways to post-secondary education advocacy project.
  • Collaborate with Youth & Access To Education Coordinator in writingprogram tool-kits, reports (including program/service evaluations),and collaborate in the creation of advocacy letters, pamphlets, posters and other promotinoal material which contribute to advocacy and outreach work.
  • Adhere to organizational policies, including confidentiality, reporting and anti-oppression.
  • Where required, work interdependently with other teams in the office.


  • Experience in working with newcomer youth (immigrant, refugee, or non-status), and providing individual and group supports in youth.
  • Lived experience with Ontario education system/barriers in accessing education with relation to immigration status is an asset.
  • Strong youth engagement skills for program development and delivery.
  • Experience working from a resiliency, intersectionaland anti-oppression based framework.
  • Adept in public speaking with experience in facilitating workshops, meetings and information sessions.
  • Proficiency with use of computers and Microsoft Office 365.
  • Knowledge in media production such as podcasts, videos and technological expertise in Zoomand social media, considered an asset.
  • Second language an asset.

As an employer who values diversity in its workforce, we encourage candidates to self-identify as members ofthe following designated groups: women, visible minority, aboriginal peoples, and persons with disabilities.

Interested applicants are invited to submit a cover letter and résumé by email only (in word format) by Jan 20th to Alexandra: alexandra.garcia@fcjrefugeecentre.org.

Thank you

FCJ Refugee Centre