Employment Opportunity: Anti Human Trafficking Migrant & Youth Support Worker

Application deadline: May 17th, 2023
Fix Employment Contract until March 31, 2024
Hourly Rate: 23.10 CAD
Start date: immediately

Organizational information

The FCJ Refugee Centre strives to meet the diverse needs of uprooted people in communities across Ontario. The Anti-Human Trafficking Migrant Case worker is tasked to offer a holistic approach in supporting and responding to the needs of migrant workers who have experienced, who are experiencing or who are at-risk of human trafficking, with a special focus on international cases of labour exploitation. You will be providing ongoing services to clients, from intake to follow-up as our doors are always open for returning clients. FCJ Refugee Centre has been providing service to those with precarious immigration status for the past 30 years.

Job description

Anti Human Trafficking (AHT) Migrant & Youth Support Worker. As part of working in a small grassroots organization, you need to be open to adapt yourself to any situation. You will be a core part of the Anti-Human Trafficking team but will be working in collaboration with the organization as a whole and might be asked to support other teams with evolving tasks. The Anti-Human Trafficking team also supports remote and rural communities by contributing to create awareness and building capacity through meetings, information sessions and trainings to these organizations. You may be required to travel to locations around Ontario to provide information sessions and client support.

As a Migrant and Youth Support Worker, you will be tasked with supporting case management as well as the implementation of the Youth Alliance Against Human Trafficking project, working closely with the Anti-Human Trafficking Youth Coordinator and Youth Worker. You will help develop youth led programming, through an anti-human trafficking lens at the FCJ Refugee Centre.

Our youth programming offers a positive and inclusive space that works from an anti-oppressive, trauma informed intersectional framework and welcomes anyone regardless of aspect of their identity including their immigration status, race, gender identity, sexual identity, or language abilities. The Youth Alliance Against Human Trafficking is a program which provides access to information, resources and wrap-around supports for youth at-risk of and in conditions of human trafficking, and implements a peer-to-peer approach in connecting individuals with lived experiences to inclusive and appropriate resources.  The program conducts a youth-led preventative strategy in providing materials and hosting information sessions with the goal of increasing awareness about the intersectionality of youth and Human Trafficking, and increasing the capacity of service providers to support youth.


  • Support in the development and implementation of the the Youth Alliance Against Human Trafficking program.
  • Provide interpersonal case management through appropriate individualized support, and access to information to vulnerable young precarious migrants, at-risk youth and young survivors of human trafficking.
  • Present information and capacity building sessions on various relevant topics to youth, migrant workers and service providers.
  • Provide ongoing client support with a holistic approach connecting migrants and youth to specialized services, working on immigration applications, providing settlement services including access to education, housing and health and advocacy.
  • Support the project coordinator in outreach efforts which may require travelling to schools and rural and remote areas on weekdays and sometimes weekends.
  • Provide access to resources through information and guidance to program participants on their rights as migrant youth, as well as labour rights as they related to exploited migrant workers, youth, at-risk youth and youth survivors of human trafficking.
  • Provide individualized support, information and guidance on labour rights and human trafficking, including supporting clients in filling out forms and helping with case management in regards to wider settlement and other issues.
  • Support in the organization and facilitatation of bi-monthly steering committee meetings for the Youth Alliance program.
  • Facilitate and develop youth social events, activities, outings, and informative workshops for the Youth Alliance program and the FCJ Youth Network. This includes facilitating workshops on Human Trafficking and its related themes, and hosting the weekly FCJ Youth Network meetings.
  • Maintain accurate and up-to-date client records.
  • Collaborate with the Youth and Anti-Human trafficking teams in writing program tool-kits, reports (including program/service evaluations), and collaborate in the creation of advocacy letters, pamphlets, posters and other promotional material which contributes to advocacy work.
  • Contribute to creating awareness and community building capacity through participating in meetings, representing FCJ in coalitions such CCR, TCHTN among others, and attending training for stake holder organizations and partners, informing on possible different types of issues which affect migrant youth (including human trafficking).
  • Adhere to organization policies including confidentiality, reporting and anti-oppression.
  • Collect and analyze data related to the case support.
  • Support the project coordinator in the individual case management as well as the implementation of other activities related to the project.


  • Second language capabilities preferred- fluency in Spanish, and/or Portuguese. French an asset.
  • Must be available to work on weeknights and/or weekends when needed.
  • Results oriented, highly motivated, and able to work effectively independently or within a team setting.
  • Committed to working from intersectional, anti-oppression, feminist anti-racist framework.
  • Experience working with newcomers, precarious migrants, diverse communities and vulnerable populations.
  • Previous experience writing evaluations, reports and/or tool-kits is required.
  • Knowledge and understanding of labour and other processes as they relate to exploited and at-risk migrant workers, and community resources
  • Adept in public speaking with experience in facilitating workshops, meetings and information sessions, with excellent interpersonal skills.
  • Lived experience with human trafficking and /or migration will be recognized.
  • Must be able to adapt a flexible work arrangement which may include a combination of virtual remote work from home and work in office arrangements. This will be based on organization and program needs as determined by supervisor.

Interested applicants are invited to submit a cover letter and résumé by email only (in word format) to Alexandra: alexandra.garcia@fcjrefugeecentre.org by Wednesday May 17th, 2023.

Thank you.