Contact Us
FCJ Refugee Centre
208 Oakwood Ave.
Toronto, ON M6E 2V4
Phone: 416-469-9754
WhatsApp: 437-217-3786
Fax: 416-469-2670
Email: info@fcjrefugeecentre.org
Website: www.fcjrefugeecentre.org
Please bring a mask if you are visiting the office.
Thank you.
Our door is always open, and we make every effort to attend to all who contact us, whether in our office, by telephone or by email. However, due to the high volume of people requesting our services, it is possible that the wait for service may be longer than we would like. We apologize for this and are grateful for your patience.
You can connect with us by phone, e-mail or WhatsApp. You can also find updated information at our website and in our social media, and you are welcome to join our informative sessions and listen to our Borderless Voices Podcast (also available at Spotify).
For any inquiries on any issue or situation related to immigration and the refugee process, as well as about all our services, you can call 416-469-9754, or contact us by email at info@fcjrefugeecentre.org or through any of the following forms: