Documents, Research & Special Reports
- FCJ Refugee Centre Services and Programs
- Immigration and Refugee System
- Refugee Hearing and Refugee Appeal
- Housing
- Human Trafficking and Labour Exploitation
- Youth and Access to Education
- Legal Aid, employment and other services
- COVID-19 and the impact of the pandemic
- Special Reports
See also our periodical publications:
- Annual Report
- Newsletters
- Refugee Update (2005 – 2015)
See our webinars and workshops. See this archive for older documents.
FCJ Refugee Centre Services and Programs
- FCJ Refugee Centre Programs & Services
Immigration and Refugee System
- The Refugee Claim Process Toolkit
- Navigating the Refugee Process (2024)
- The Refugee Process: Key Steps and Resources
- Refugee Process Overview and Resources
- Pathways to Permanent Residence for Migrant Workers (English and Spanish)
- Pre-Removal Risk Assessment
- A Path for Regularization: Humanitarian & Compassionate Application
- Humanitarian & Compassionate Application: Document Gathering Guide
- Unaccompanied and Separated Children, Part One
- Unaccompanied and Separated Children, Part Two
- New Pathway to Permanent Residency for Temporary Essential Workers and Students
- Work Permit application online: Troubleshoots issues
- Le procès de demande d’asile – Boite à outil
- El proceso de refugio: pasos clave y recursos
- 10 primeros pasos si estás pidiendo refugio en canadá
- Conociendo el proceso de refugio: Qué hacer y qué esperar
- Guía para la solicitud por razones humanitarias y de compasión (2023)
- Aplicación por razones humanitarias: guía de documentos
- Nuevo programa de Residencia Permanente para trabajadores esenciales y estudiantes
- Aplicação Humanitária e Compassiva
- Aplicação por motivos humanitários: guia de documentos
- Novos programas de Residência Permanente para trabalhadores essenciais e estudantes internacionais
- الطريق الجديد إلى الإقامة الدائمة للعمال الأساسيين المؤقتين
Refugee Hearing and Refugee Appeal
- Refugee Hearing Preparation (2025)
- Resources for Refugee Claimants
- Preparing for a Refugee Claim after the BOC
- Refugee Hearing Preparation Kit
- The Refugee Appeal Division (RAD): How to Submit an Appeal
- RAD Appeal Guidelines
- Preparación para la Audiencia de Refugio (2025)
- Cómo presentar una apelación a la División de Apelación de Refugiados (RAD)
- Housing: Tips and Tools
- Housing Benefits and Housing Search, Part I
- Housing Benefits and Housing Search, Part II
- Welcome Home: The experience of refugee claimants and other precarious migrants navigating the housing system
- Housing Needs for Precarious Populations: House Searching
Human Trafficking and Labour Exploitation
- Exploring the Impact of Survivor-Centered Approaches on the Well-Being of Youth Human Trafficking Survivors in Ontario: A Qualitative Study
- Ensuring Equity: Advancing Immigration Pathways for Women with Lived Experience of Gender-Based Violence and Human Trafficking
- Resources Toolkit for Migrant Women
- Migrant Workers Rights and Labour Exploitation
- It Happens Here: Labour Exploitation Among Migrant Workers During the Pandemic
- Internationally Trafficked Persons in Canada
- Migrant Women’s Counter Human Trafficking Alliance
- Child Trafficking: Global Perspectives and Best Practices
- Human Trafficking Forum on Forced Labour
- Building Collaboration to Combat Human Trafficking in Toronto
- Roundtable Series on Human Trafficking
- Residencia Permanente para Trabajadores de la Construcción sin Estatus en el Área del Gran Toronto (GTA)
- Derechos de los trabajadores migrantes y explotación laboral
- Los derechos de l@s migrantes que trabajan en el sector agrícola en Ontario
Youth and Access to Education
- A Rocky Path: Understanding Access to Education Challenges for Newcomer Children & Youth
- The FCJ Refugee Centre Access To Education Program: Overview And Services
- Youth & Access To Education Prog.; Anti-Human Trafficking Awareness & Engagement
- Canadian “Dreamers”: Access to Postsecondary Education
- School Enrollment, Part 2: TCDSB
- School Enrollment, Part 1: TDSB
- Sex Education
- Bestie Book
- FCJ Youth Network Information
- Uprooted Education: 2016 Ontario Report
- From Youth To You
Legal Aid, employment and other services
- How to apply to Legal Aid
- Legal Aid Questionaire Guide
- Employment Toolkit: Empowering New Beginnings for Refugee Claimants
- What it is and how to obtain your Social Insurance Number (SIN) in Canada as a Temporary Resident
- Resources for non status people, refugee claimants and other precarius migrants
- Access to Free Professional Psychotherapy and Counselling for Refugee Claimants
- Ontario Coalition of Service Providers contact list
- Services and resources for undocumented Torontonians and precarious migrants
- RPD Preparation: Representation Guidelines
- Cómo aplicar a Legal Aid
- Qué es y cómo obtener el Social Insurance Number (SIN) en Canadá como residente temporal
COVID-19 and the impact of the pandemic
- Multiple Jeopardy: Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on non-status families and workers in the GTA
- Pandemic precarities: immigration status, work, housing, and health among current and former non-status residents of Toronto
- What do you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine passport
- COVID-19 Vaccine For Those Without OHIP Card
- Housing Challenges During COVID-19
- COVID 19 Vaccine: What’s it all about
- Temporary COVID-19 Isolation Emergency Support Fund
- The impact of COVID-19 in the refugee process update: CBSA, IRCC and IRB
- Going back to school during COVID-19 (English and Spanish)
- Health care for uninsured migrants during COVID-19
- The impact of COVID-19 on refugee claimants and other precarious populations
- COVID-19: Workers’ Rights
- How to find help during the COVID-19 crisis
- The impact of COVID-19 in the refugee process
- Government benefits for people with Temporary Status during COVID-19
- Qué necesitas saber acerca del certificado de vacunación COVID-19
- Qué necesitas saber sobre la vacuna contra la COVID-19
- Cómo acceder a la vacuna contra la COVID-19 sin tarjeta de salud (OHIP)
- Ayuda de emergencia para aislamiento temporal por COVID-19
- Trabajadores migrantes: desafíos y opciones durante la pandemia
- El impacto de la COVID-19 en los procedimientos para refugiados
- Assistência de emergência para isolamento temporário devido a COVID-19
Special Reports
- Syrian Refugees in Bulgaria: A Double Edged Sword
- Tool-Kit: Undeserved Communities Research
- Citizenship & Immigration: Changes for Exclusion
- The Refugee Moment
You can find older documents and presentations in this archive