English Classes

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Thanks to the contribution and support of volunteer English teachers, we are able to offer a structured and stable English Classes program (ELL: English Language Learning).

The program is online and free, and it’s aimed primarily at people in a situation of vulnerability.

The students need to register, using the form that will be displayed on this page whenever classes are available, and entering their name, email, which class they want to attend, and how long they have been living in Canada.

We offer two levels:

  • Beginner: Basic grammar and vocabulary
    (This class is now full; new courses will be announced here)
  • Intermediate: Grammar practice and vocabulary building
    (This class is now full; new courses will be announced here)

For the Beginner English Class we send to the students an email every week with the link and the material that we will use in the class. This material includes basic grammar and vocabulary that they are interested in learning. We also include exercises that we do together in class, while reviewing all the material. The classes are through the Zoom platform.

For the Intermediate Level Conversation Group the students receive the link every week, also at Zoom platform. This leveel is for students who already know the basic grammar and vocabulary but they want to practice English and work on their confidence to express themselves in daily life.

For more information please write to: