Pilot Virtual Ready Tour
Thursday, January 14, 2021
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
FCJ Refugee Centre is pleased to invite you to participate in the pilot Virtual Ready Tour on January 14th at 2:00 pm This a pilot online session happening in Toronto.
The Ready Tours had been hosted by the Ontario Coalition of Service Providers for Refugee Claimants and the Canadian Red Cross First Contact program in partnership with the Refugee Protection Division of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada.
The sessions were facilitated in person twice a month at the IRB building in Toronto. Considering the health emergency, they were cancelled, but now the IRB is resuming the Ready Tours online.
If you are a refugee claimant, this is a unique opportunity to be familiar with your refugee hearing. Officers from the Refugee Protection Division, RPD, will explain the steps you have to follow to be well prepared on the day of your hearing.
For more details please contact Carolina Teves: cteves@fcjrefugeecentre.org
This event is fully booked.