Episode #44 (Spanish): Superheroes Without Borders #12: Eclipse

En este nuevo episodio de Superhéroes sin fronteras conocemos a Eclipse, un superhéroe migrante de México que ahora reside en Canadá. Eclipse nos comparte su inspirador viaje, desde su travesía por el sur de México hasta su nueva vida en Canadá, enfrentando retos y adversidades. Con su superpoder, ha logrado crear una comunidad llena de personas valiosas. Su nombre, Eclipse, refleja su capacidad de ver la vida desde distintos ángulos, mostrando la fuerza de nunca rendirse.
Episode #43: Superheroes Without Borders #11: Mama

In this new episode of Superheroes Without Borders we meet Mama, a migrant superhero from the Gambia, now residing in Canada. Mama shares her inspiring journey, beginning with her travels from Turkey to Canada in 2022, where she faced numerous challenges, including losing her luggage and dealing with administrative issues. Her chosen superhero name, Mama, honors her mother, whom she considers her superhero.
Episode #42: “A great experience for the kids”: The Bridging To School Program

On the last day of this year’s Uprooted JR. – Bridging To School Program, families and volunteers share their experiences and tell us what the program has meant for them and for the children who have participated.
Episode #41: Superheroes Without Borders #10: JJ

This new episode of Superheroes Without Borders features an interview with JJ, a superhero migrant who discusses her journey and motivations. She chose the superhero name JJ to be unique and values empowering women and men. Her migrant journey to Canada was not by choice, but she found purpose in helping others, influenced by her upbringing and cultural background. She faced challenges like living alone at 18 and struggling to find support after leaving her workplace.
Episode #40: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: A Collaborative Youth Action

The FCJ Refugee Centre Youth Network, in collaboration with Mary Ward Centre, Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto and the CCR Youth Network, is immersed in a project to delve deeper into the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), inviting and mobilizing young newcomers and refugees across Canada to advocate for change, using both these UN goals and Canada’s commitment to leaving no one behind in achieving a better future. In this new episode of Home is Here we learn more about this project and how the youth are designing strategies to achieve greater engagement and help make the SDGs a reality.
Episode #39: Superheroes Without Borders #9: Super Jolly

In this new episode we meet Super Jolly, a new immigrant to Canada that arrived from Mexico and is full of positive energy and good avice. Super Jolly reveals her superpower (“something that I try to use both for others and for myself,” she says) and, among many other things, shares her experience of adapting to a new culture without losing her roots.
Episode #38 (Spanish): Superheroes Without Borders #8: Mujer Maravilla

En este nuevo episodio de nuestra serie Superhéroes sin fronteras conocemos a Mujer Maravilla, quien nos cuenta cómo descubrió su superpoder, y cómo su experiencia como migrante ha sido fundamental para desarrollarlo y para aprender a ponerlo en práctica ayudando a los demás. Mujer Maravilla nos habla también de su experiencia desde que llegó a Canadá, así como de los desafíos, y también la ayuda, que ha encontrado en el camino. Y nos deja un consejo: “Nunca se dejen vencer, busquen apoyo, sigan adelante”.
Episode #37 (Spanish): Superheroes Without Borders #7: Katnisse

Estrenamos una nueva temporada de nuestra serie Superhéroes sin fronteras con una participación muy especial: Katnisse. Con ella hablamos de su experiencia como recién llegada, los desafíos a los que ha tenido que hacer frente, el reto de vivir el día a día en un nuevo idioma, lo duro que es a veces estar lejos de la familia… Y sobre todo, ¡de su superpoder! Descúbrelo en este nuevo episodio en español de Superhéroes sin fronteras.
Episode #36 (Spanish): Superheroes Without Borders #6: Honeymoon

En este nuevo episodio de la serie Superhéroes sin fronteras tenemos el placer de presentar a Honeymoon, que nos desvelará su superpoder y nos hablará también de los desafíos a los que ha tenido que hacer frente como joven migrante en Canadá, de cómo esos desafíos han ido construyendo su personalidad, de la importancia de contar con una red de apoyo y de muchas cosas más.
Episode #35: Playing To Act: The First Class

In this new episode of Home is Here we chat with Lilibeth Rivas, facilitator of our Playing to Act workshop, after the first session of the course. We also hear the thoughts of some of the participants in the program.