Join the Ride for Refuge 2024!

A new edition of the Ride for Refuge is around the corner!

Join us for our biggest annual fundraising campaign and support the FCJ Refugee Centre, in a family-friendly  bike/walk event that every year brings the members of our community together.

Our goal this time is to raise at least $50,000 to continue our mission to empower refugees and all uprooted people. The funds will help our most vulnerable community members and programs.

This unique fundraising campaign is now live – culminating with the ride/walk on October 5, when we will gather, do the ride/walk and celebrate the resilience of our community.

Support newly arrived refugees in Toronto by donating today or joining our team!

How to get involved

■  Register as a Participant. You can register here to fundraise for FCJ Refuge Centre. Join an existing team, pick your activity, and get fundraising!

■  Become a Team Captain. Team Captains are the heart and soul of Ride for Refuge. As Team Captain, you play the key role of leader, recruiter, fundraiser, planner, and cheerleader. Here’s the basics:

  • Register online, create, and name your team
  • Select FCJ Refugee Centre as the charity you want your team to raise money for
  • Recruit other team members with a goal of getting 8-10 participants (your friends, your family…). There is no limit to team size!
  • Raise money personally and strongly encourage your team to raise money
  • Cheer on and communicate with your team members
  • Check out these Tools for Team Captains for more helpful tips and tricks!

■  Make a direct donation. Just pick one of the teams supporting FCJ Refugee Centre and make a donation.

On RIDE Day we gather to move our hearts and our legs in solidarity with all who are affected by a callous world that ignores their pain, their needs, and their great potential.


  • Cedarvale Park (443 Arlington Avenue), Toronto

SCHEDULE: October 5

  • 2:00 PM: Gathering begins
  • 3:00 PM: Official check-in and route announcements
  • 4:00 pm: Move Send-off
  • 5:00 PM: Event wrap-up


CYCLING MAP (10/20 Km)