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A Rocky Path: Understanding Access to Education Challenges for Newcomer Children and Youth
In 2016, the FCJ Youth Network produced a report assessing the school system in Ontario on 5 salient areas: Getting In, Equitable Participation, Anti-Discrimination, Support, and Moving On. Due to regressions observed in recent times, and by support and funding from the Maytree Foundation, we have constructed a more extensive version of the 2016 report card, to address the rising concerns, create a space for open communication, and foster actionable items for equitable change. This video covers the official launching of the new report’s Phase 1, which took place in Toronto on June 14, 2024.
Immigration Help And Refugee Protection
Settlement And Integration
Youth and Access to Education
Anti-Human Trafficking
COVID-19 Pandemic
At FCJ Refugee Centre we continued working in solidarity with precarious migrants during the COVID-19 pandemic. We understoodd that it was a difficult and uncertain time for many, and we were here to support and provide information to anyone who was in need.
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‘No scape’
A production of FCJ Refugee Centre and the Regional Network of Civil Organizations for Migrants (RROCOM), this documentary is about the situation of around 8000 Cuban migrants stranded within the Northern and Southern borders of Costa Rica.
‘My Voice’
The video My Voice reflects the challenges that non- status and refugee faces in Canada, such as mental health. A lot of Canadian citizens don’t know about the challenges that immigrants faces in the country.
‘Syrian Refugees in Bulgaria: A Double Edged Sword’
Syrian Refugees in Bulgaria: A Double Edged Sword, a report prepared by FCJ Refugee Centre after a delegation from Canadian Council for Refugees visit Bulgaria in June 2014. This visit had variety of goals including better understand the complex situation of Syrian asylum-seekers and refugees in Bulgaria. This understanding was facilitated by interviews with key stakeholders including state agencies, NGOs, Syrian refugees, as well as visits to immigration reception centers in Bulgaria. A short video was also produced to reproduce parts of the conducted interviews and comments gathered during the visit.
To read the complete report click here : Syrian Refugees in Bulgaria: A Double Edged Sword Report
This short documentary developed by FCJ Refugee Centre shows interview excerpts from our meetings with Bulgarian organizations as well as residents of the immigration reception centre in Sofia. This documentary is complementary to the “Syrian Refugees in Bulgaria: A Double Edged Sword”, A Report of the FCJ Refugee Centre from the visit to Bulgaria in June 2014.
‘Breaking The Silence’: A Conversation Around Feminicide
Breaking the Silence is a documentary that shows the violence that women are continuously facing, specifically in El Salvador. FCJ Refugee Centre was happy to release this documentary as a resource to create awareness about this situation around the world. The video will be available soon.
Message from the producer of the documentary, Gerson Peña:
I think that the main message to take away from the film is, that violence against women is continuing to happen and that there needs to be more done about it.
This is not an issue of El Salvador only, this is a global issue. Many people will look at the film and call it a feminist film or ask me why I made a feminist film. I think that this goes beyond that. This isn’t about feminism, this is about human rights, the basic human right to live. We are all humans and therefore we should all be one.