Getting Ready for your Refugee Hearing / Preparandose para la Audiencia de Refugio Nov 17 10:30 am

This is an informative session online provided through our Public Education program.

You are invited to participate in our upcoming webinar on how to get ready for your refugee hearing. The webinar will be provided in   Spanish
Please feel free to share the information with your clients or anyone who wants to get familiar with the refugee hearings.

The event will be open since 10:00 am but the actual webinar will start at 10:30 am 

For registration:

Invitation in Spanish

Te invitamos a participar en la sesion informativa virtual (webinar) sobre como estar preparad@ para tu audiencia de refugio. La sesion sera facilitada en  Espanol el dia martes 17 de Noviembre a las 10:30 am

Para inscribirse:

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