Who Are Ontario’s Undocumented Youth? FCJ Refugee Centre, at ‘The Agenda with Steve Paikin’

It is unclear how many undocumented immigrants live in Canada. Estimates range from 20,000 up to 500,000. Many of these are youth who were brought to Canada as young children and had no choice in the matter. Youth with precarious status or no status struggle to access public services like health care and education. Who are these undocumented youth, and does our country do enough to protect them?

Stefan Enrique Joseph Kallikaden, Youth and Access to Education Coordinator at FCJ Refugee Centre, talked about it at the TVO program The Agenda with Steve Paikin, together with Sarah Pole, Childhood Arrivals Support & Advocacy (CASA) Program, Director at Justice for Children and Youth Legal Clinic; Akil Augustine, producer and host at MLSE and the Toronto Raptors, formerly undocumented; and Arlo Kempf, associate professor at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto.

Watch the full program in this video: