Episode #150: A Call For Action To End Labour Trafficking

Borderless Voices
Borderless Voices
Episode #150: A Call For Action To End Labour Trafficking

As a part of their annual Victims and Survivors of Crime Week, the Toronto Counter Human Trafficking Network is holding this Wednesday a hybrid forum to raise awareness and address the root causes of the ever growing labour trafficking issue in Canada.

Under the title of A Call For Action To End Labour Trafficking: How Collaboration Can Lead to Solutions, this forum will discuss the realities of labour trafficking in Canada while examining the systems in place that facilitate the trafficking of foreign nationals for the purpose of forced labour.

To talk about all this we are joined by Jovana Blagovcanin. She is the Anti-Human Trafficking Manager at FCJ Refugee Centre and also the Coordinator of the Toronto Counter Human Trafficking Network. She is also one of the speakers at the forum.