The Bestie Book: Summer Edition

Bestie Book Summer 2020

We know that the last couple of months have been anyhing but ordinary. But if there’s one thing we want you to know, it’s that we’re still here. Our door is still open. Home is still here. And you can count on us.

We feel so privileged to have been able to move our weekly meetings to online formats, so that we can still see your beautiful faces every week! We’re loving watching movies together, and we’ll find new ways of safely being together in person as soon as we possibly can.

We’re coming in to the beautiful summer months, and we’re all enjoying the beautiful warm weather and sunny days. And even though our usual summer activities will have to be shuffled around a little bit, we’re going to make sure we have lots of fun, enjoy the sunshine, and spend as much of the beautiful summer months together as we can.

So that’s why we’re sending this to you. Something small to chronicle this time, and to share memories. And something you can have in your home to remind you that we’re here, waiting until we can sit around the kitchen table together again. Around that table, we are a community, and we are a family. Until then, wherever your kitchen tables are; spread out across Toronto and all borders; wherever you are, those kitchen tables belong to all of us.

To read the book click here.

With all our love,
Natasha, Cutu, Tee-Jay & Natalie
FCJ Youth Network

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