L’importance de la vaccination et des renforts : série podcast

L’équipe de vaccination (VET) du FCJ Refugee Centre a réalisé une série de podcasts informatifs sur la COVID-19.

La pandémie de COVID-19 nous a tous touchés dans le monde. Cependant, nous ne sommes pas tous sur un pied d’égalité face à leurs attaques.

Pour cette raison, depuis mars 2021, notre organisation se consacre à la tâche de marcher avec les plus déracinés, en offrant éducation, préparation et prévention à la communauté la plus vulnérable de Toronto.

De l’organisation de campagnes de vaccination pour les personnes sans OHIP aux négociations avec le gouvernement local pour ne pas laisser derrière les communautés d’immigrants et de réfugiés qui n’ont pas d’OHIP, en passant par les renforts et pour chaque dose de vaccination, ou la publication de QR codes et toutes les vagues de variants, le FCJ et l’équipe de vaccination sont passés par là.

La pandémie n’est pas terminée, nous devons donc continuer à nous informer de manière durable et fiable.

En association avec la Ville de Toronto et Toronto Public Health, nous avons créé des podcasts informatifs où vous pouvez rester informé et nous écouter dans le confort de votre maison, au travail, lorsque vous voyagez, où que vous soyez, et avec la disponibilité de différentes langues, grâce à notre podcast Borderless Voices.

Écoutez le premier épisode en Français en cliquant sur l’image :

Pour plus d’informations, contactez-nous au 416-469-9754 ext. 230, ou envoyez un courriel à vaccine@fcjrefugeecentre.org.

La importancia de la vacunación y de los refuerzos: serie de podcasts

El Equipo de Vacunas (VET) del Centro de Refugio FCJ ha realizado una serie de podcasts informativos sobre la COVID-19.

La pandemia de la COVID-19 nos ha afectado a todos nivel mundial. Sin embargo, no todos estamos en igualdad de condiciones ante sus embates.

Por ello, desde marzo de 2021, nuestra organización se ha entregado a la tarea de caminar con los más desarraigados brindando educación, preparación y prevención a la comunidad más vulnerable de Toronto.

Desde la organización de campañas de vacunación para personas sin OHIP hasta las gestiones con el Gobierno local para no dejar atrás a las comunidades de inmigrantes y refugiados que no tienen OHIP, pasando por los refuerzos y por cada dosis de vacunación, o por la publicación de códigos QR y todas las oleadas de variantes, el FCJ y el Equipo de Vacunas han estado ahí.

La pandemia no ha terminado, por lo que debemos seguir informándonos de manera sostenible y confiable.

En asociación con la Ciudad de Toronto y Toronto Public Health, hemos realizado podcasts informativos donde puedes estar informado y escucharnos desde la comodidad de tu hogar, en tu trabajo, cuando viajas, donde sea que estés, y con disponibilidad de diferentes idiomas, a través de nuestro podcast Borderless Voices.

Escucha el primer episodio en español haciendo clic en la imagen:

Para más información, ponte en contacto con nosotros en el teléfono 416-469-9754 ext. 230, o envía un correo electrónico a vaccine@fcjrefugeecentre.org.

The Importance of Vaccination and Boosters: Podcast Series

The Vaccine Engagement Team (VET) of the FCJ Refugee Centre is sharing a series of informative podcasts regarding COVID-19.

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us worldwide. However, not all of us are in equal conditions when facing the ravages of this pandemic.

For this reason, since March 2021, our organization has taken on the task of walking with the most uprooted by providing education, preparation and prevention to the most vulnerable community in Toronto.

From the organization of vaccination campaigns for people without OHIP to the efforts and advocacy with the local Government to not leave behind the immigrant and refugee communities that do not have OHIP, or going through the boosters and each dose of vaccination, the issuance of QR codes and all the waves of variants, FCJ and the Vaccine Engagement Team have been there.

The pandemic is not over, so we must continue to inform ourselves on a sustainable and reliable basis.

In partnership with the City of Toronto and Toronto Public Health, we are producing informative podcasts where you can be informed and listen to us from the comfort of your home, at your work, when commuting, wherever you are and with availability of different languages, through our podcast Borderless Voices.

Listen to the first episode by clicking on the images:

For more information contact us at 416-469-9754 ext. 230 or send us an email to vaccine@fcjrefugeecentre.org.

Notre bulletin de printemps est prête !

Voici notre newsletter printemps 2022 ! Nous avons un numéro très spécial, avec le gala YWCA Toronto Women of Distinction Awards (beaucoup de photos !), qui a rendu hommage à huit femmes extraordinaires qui améliorent la vie des femmes, des filles et des personnes de diverses identités de genre, et qui promeuvent des actions positives et à long terme projets de transformation, tant dans notre ville que dans le reste du pays et dans le monde. Parmi eux, notre directrice générale, Loly Rico, qui a été récompensée dans la catégorie Droits des Réfugiés, un honneur dont nous sommes très fiers.

Dans ce bulletin, vous trouverez également des informations sur ce que nous avons fait et ce que nous avons prévu, y compris la projection de Undocumented, le documentaire pour la collecte de fonds de la Journée Mondiale des Réfugiés, notre appel pour répondre à l’aggravation de la crise du logement en Ontario, et d’importants programmes et activités, comme le Refugee Housing Hub ou l’Heure Communautaire.

Tout cela et bien plus encore !

Cliquez ici pour accéder au document si vous ne le voyez pas sur cette page.

Spring Newsletter 2022

¡Nuestro boletín de primavera ya está listo!

¡Ya está aquí nuestro boletín Primavera 2022! Tenemos un número muy especial, con la gala de los premios Women of Distinction de YWCA Toronto (¡con muchas fotos!), en la que se rindió homenaje ocho mujeres extraordinarias que están mejorando las vidas de mujeres, niñas y personas de género diverso, e impulsando proyectos positivos y de transformación a largo plazo, tanto en nuestra ciudad, como en el resto del país y en todo el mundoo. Entre ellos, nuestra Directora Ejecutiva, Loly Rico, que fue premiada en la categoría de Derechos de los Refugiados, un honor que nos ha hecho sentir muy orgullos@s.

En este boletín también encontrarás información sobre lo que hemos estado haciendo y lo que hemos planeado, incluida la proyección de Undocumented, el documental con motivo de la recaudación de fondos del Día Mundial del Refugiado, nuestro llamado para abordar el empeoramiento de la crisis de la vivienda en Ontario, e importantes programas y actividades como el Refugee Housing Hub o la Hora Comunitaria.

¡Todo eso, y mucho más!

Haz clic aquí para acceder al documento si no puedes verlo en esta página.

Spring Newsletter 2022

Our Spring Newsletter is Ready!

Here is our Spring 2022 Newsletter! We have a very special issue covering the gala of the YWCA Toronto Women of Distinction Awards (with many pictures!), which honoured eight extraordinary women who are improving the lives of women, girls and gender diverse people, and driving positive and long-term change across our city, the country and around the world. Among them, our Executive Director, Loly Rico, who was awarded in the category of Refugee Rights, an honour that made us all feel very proud.

In this newsletter you’ll also find information about what we have been up to and what we have planned, including the screening of Undocumented, The Documentary for the World Refugee Day Fundraiser, our call to address the worsening housing crisis in Ontario, and important programs and activities like the Refugee Housing Hub or The Community Hour.

All that, and and much more!

Click here to access the document if you can’t see it in this page.

Spring Newsletter 2022


Employment Opportunity: Anti-Human Trafficking Women’s Coordinator

Application deadline: June 17th, 2022
Salary: $22.5/hr
Hours: 37.5 hours weekly
Start date: Immediately
Contract position until March 31st, 2023

The Anti-Human Trafficking (AHT) Women’s Coordinator is tasked with developing and implementing the women’s programming, through an anti-human trafficking lens at the FCJ Refugee Centre. This work directly involves participation and coordination of the Migrant Women’s Counter Human Trafficking Alliance.

The Migrant Women’s Counter Human Trafficking Alliance approaches women through a peer led model to provide them with holistic information and access to wrap around supports. This enhanced access to knowledge will equip women with the tools they need to make informed decisions about their lives and futures. These efforts will work to circumvent emerging international cases of human trafficking for the intent of labour and sex exploitation within Canada.

The program connects women to safe housing and offers a safe space for these vulnerable women to share their experiences in a nonjudgmental and supportive environment while also providing critical information through workshops, materials, information sessions and open discussions, and the collaborative creation of best practices.


  • Develop and lead the Migrant Women’s Counter Human Trafficking Alliance program.
  • Provide ongoing case management with holistic approach connecting at-risk women and survivors of human trafficking to specialized services, working on immigration applications, providing settlement services including access to safe housing and health and advocacy.
  • Provide access to resources through information and guidance to program participants on their rights as migrant women, as well as labour rights as they related to exploited women, at-risk women and survivors of human trafficking.
  • Conduct outreach to partner organizations, service providers, shelters and other spaces where women migrants are present such as the hospitality industry, cleaning services, factory workers, and hotels.
  • Organize and facilitate 2 steering committees- The first with women with lived-experience, conducting monthly meetings. The second with community organizations, having meetings every 3 months.
  • Organize and facilitate capacity building sessions for migrant women and for front-line workers and service providers.
  • Organize and facilitate weekly community building and social connection sessions who are at-risk and survivors of human trafficking.
  • Maintain accurate and up-to-date client records.
  • Collaborate with the Anti-Human trafficking team and Women’s Programs in writing program tool-kits, reports (including program/service evaluations), and collaborate in the creation of advocacy letters, pamphlets, posters and other promotional material which contributes to advocacy work.
  • Contribute to creating awareness and community building capacity through participating in meetings, representing FCJ in coalitions such CCR, TCHTN among others, and attending training for stake holder organizations and partners, informing on possible different types of issues which affect migrant women (including human trafficking).
  • Adhere to organization policies including confidentiality, reporting and anti-oppression.


  • Second language capabilities an asset.
  • Results oriented, highly motivated, and able to work effectively independently or within a team setting.
  • Previous experience writing evaluations, reports and/or tool-kits is required.
  • Experience in working with newcomer women (immigrant, refugee, or non-status), and providing individual and group supports to marginalized women.
  • Knowledgeable about community resources.
  • Strong community engagement skills for program development and delivery is required.
  • Experience working from an intersectional and anti-oppression based framework is required.
  • Adept in public speaking with experience in facilitating workshops, meetings and information sessions.
  • Knowledgeable in media production such as podcasts, videos, and technological expertise in Zoom, Go To Meeting and social media, considered an asset
  • Lived experience with human trafficking and/or migration will be recognized.
    Must be willing and able to work in a flexible environment, and collaborate with other program areas as needed.
  • Must be able to adapt a flexible work arrangement which may include a combination of virtual remote work from home and work in office arrangements. This will be based on organization and program needs as determined by supervisor.

As an employer who values diversity in its workforce, we encourage candidates to self-identify as members of the following designated groups: women, visible minority, aboriginal peoples, and persons with disabilities.

Interested applicants are invited to submit a cover letter and résumé by email only (in word format) by June 17th, 2022, 5pm, to: Loly Rico, via email alexandra.garcia@fcjrefugeecentre.org

We thank all applicants; however, due to the volume of applicants, only candidates who are selected for an interview will be contacted.

To learn more about FCJ Refugee Centre please visit our website at: www.fcjrefugeecentre.org.

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